ANNOUNCEMENT: On April 23, 2024, Google announced an update on its plan to phase out third-party cookies.
There is more news about the ongoing demise of the third-party cookie. DSPolitical has been preparing for cookie deprecation since 2016, so while this news doesn’t shock us or change our strategy around online identity, it reinforces the importance of partnering with a provider ready to activate with future-proof targeting solutions.
Despite hopes to remove third-party cookies from all Chrome web browsers by the end of this year, Google cites “ongoing challenges” stemming from feedback from the industry, regulators, and developers as the reason for this delay. While the exact timeline has yet to be formalized, Google has shared its current status, stating, “Assuming we can reach an agreement, we envision proceeding with third-party cookie deprecation starting early next year.”
It’s no surprise that Google is once again delaying its plans to deprecate third-party cookies, given the complexities involved in transitioning to a cookieless ad ecosystem. While another delay may be welcome news to some advertisers who have done little to prepare for a cookieless future, DSPolitical has continued to innovate in the online identity space and remains fully prepared for the inevitable transition in 2025.
At DSPolitical, we built our platform on diverse targeting technologies and strong partnerships, including our sophisticated meta-onboarding technology, which does not rely on third-party cookies. Our commitment to staying ahead of industry changes and embracing innovative solutions to achieve the best possible reach and frequency against a first-party audience truly sets us apart.. At the heart of our strategy is a robust use of the latest privacy-compliant alternative identifiers such as RampIDs, UID 2.0, HEMs, MAIDs, authenticated IPs, geolocation signals, and more, setting new standards for achieving optimal campaign performance in a privacy-first world.
As the digital landscape evolves, we remain at the forefront, providing our clients with a secure and reliable platform for precise audience targeting that adapts to the changes in the advertising world.