How do Democratic campaigns and progressive organizations fight Trump between now and November 2018? By going directly to the voters his policies are most likely to hurt.
In advance of Thursday’s special election to fill Montana’s open at-large congressional seat, the state Democratic Party is working with DSPolitical to deploy highly-targeted digital ads to reach voters who could lose medical coverage if the GOP health care bill passed by Congress earlier this month becomes law. The ads call out Republican nominee Greg Gianforte for trying to have it both ways on healthcare “reform.”
“We’re excited to be partnering with DSPolitical to make sure voters that stand to lose coverage under the D.C. healthcare bill know that Greg Gianforte says one thing about the issue to Montanans and another thing to D.C. lobbyists. He simply can’t be trusted,” said Nancy Keenan, executive director of the Montana Democratic Party.
With the Trump Administration and congressional Republicans working overtime to gut the Affordable Care Act leaving millions uninsured, smart campaigns and organizations should be looking at innovative ways to speak with the very people these cuts will hit hardest — and there is simply no more precise and efficient way to do exactly that than with digital advertising.
As our CEO, Jim Walsh put it in Politico’s story about the innovative ad campaign DSPolitical is running for the Montana Democratic Party, “This is precisely why targeted digital advertising built on the best data is so important and effective — because you can reach voters with ads driving home messages that they truly care about. Millions of Americans could be left without coverage if the Republican Congress is successful. They deserve to know before it’s too late.”
The ability to find target audiences beyond voting history, demographics, or interests doesn’t stop with the innovative targeting being done by DSPolitical and the Montana Democratic Party. We work with your campaign or organization to help you identify and reach the voters who will be hit hardest by the GOP health care bill if it becomes law. And we’re ready to help you reach the voters who will be impacted by other policy changes being pursued by the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress.
It is long past time the Resistance started thinking more broadly about how Democrats convey their message to voters. As the Montana Democratic Party is showing with DSPolitical, precise, efficient, and creative digital targeting to non-traditional segments of the population is the next step campaigns should be taking to successfully educate and motivate voters to fight the administration.