the dspolitical blog

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February 28, 2017 / Blog Posts

It’s Time for the Trump Emergency Kit

Donald Trump is now president. And, tonight, he’s giving his first address to a joint session of Congress, laying out his policy vision -- if you can call it that -- for the next year.

February 28, 2017 / Blog Posts

DSPolitical Wins Bigly, Takes Top Honors at 2017 Reed Awards

Our clients are fighting hard each day to make America -- and indeed the world -- a better place. It's an honor to be there fighting alongside them. And it's always inspiring to see our partnerships honored for their impactful and innovative work.

January 30, 2017 / Press Releases

DSPolitical Running Obamacare Digital Ads That Trump Canceled

November 4, 2016 / Press Releases

Down-Ballot Candidates Going Digital to Reach Voters in Closing Days of 2016 Election

With just days to go before the November 8th election, local and downballot candidates are increasingly turning to voter targeted digital ads to reach voters with final persuasion and get out the vote messages.

November 4, 2016 / Blog Posts

DSPolitical’s Last Word: Reaching Voters While They Wait in Line to Vote on Election Day

DSPolitical introduces "Last Word," putting campaigns and causes in front of voters while they wait in line at their Election Day polling place.

September 15, 2016 / Press Releases

Voter Targeted Digital Ads Now at Fingertips of Thousands of Democratic Campaigns

NGP VAN and DSPolitical announce a new partnership that will make the award winning, self-serve voter targeted digital advertising platform available on the VAN.

August 26, 2016 / Blog Posts

Continuing International Success, DSPolitical Wins Big in Australia

May 10, 2016 / Press Releases

Self-Serve Platform Receives Top Honors at 22nd Annual Communicator Awards

May 5, 2016 / Blog Posts

DSPolitical Targeting New Surge in California Voters

April 21, 2016 / Press Releases

West Coast Office of Nation’s Leading Voter Targeted Digital Ad Network Opens