Press Releases

April 1, 2018 / Press Releases

DSPolitical Announces Pivot to Blockchain

Today, DSPolitical, the nation’s leading Democratic digital advertising firm announced that it was, again, revolutionizing political digital advertising by pivoting to blockchain and preparing an initial coin offering (ICO) of its flagship cryptocurrency, DSPCoin.

February 28, 2018 / Press Releases

DSPolitical Wins Big at 2018 Reed Awards

Firm Honored for Digital Targeting in 2017 Off-Year Victories for Governor, Mayor, and State Legislature; Again Secures "Best Use of a Self-Serve Platform

September 26, 2017 / Press Releases

Big Florida Flip: DSPolitical Helps Turn Sunshine State Senate Seat from Red to Blue

The FL State Senate Democrats and consultant Impact Politics worked with DSPolitical to rally the base by tying her opponent to Trump.

August 11, 2017 / Press Releases

DSPolitical’s Jablonowski Named One of the “100 Most Influential Political Professionals of the Year”

DSPolitical Chief Technology Officer and partner Mark Jablonowski has been named one of “the hundred most influential political professions of the year”.

May 22, 2017 / Press Releases

MT-AL Special: Dems Using Digital Ads to Target Those Who Could Lose Coverage Under GOP Healthcare Bill

DSPolitical Helps Montana Democratic Party Target Digital Ads Directly to Voters Who Could Lose Coverage Under GOP Healthcare Plan

April 26, 2017 / Press Releases

DSPolitical’s Jablonowski Named “Technology Leader of the Year” by Campaigns & Elections Magazine

This evening, DSPolitical partner and Chief Technology Officer Mark Jablonowski was recognized as “Technology Leader of the Year” by Campaigns & Elections magazine as part of its first ever “CampaignTech Awards.”

April 1, 2017 / Press Releases

DSPigeon: Next-Generation Ad Delivery for Hard-To-Target Audiences

Reaching voters is getting more difficult every year. With more and more Americans cutting the TV cord, listening to less radio, and continually on the move, we need to stay ahead of the rapid evolution in technology and consumer behavior to make sure that our clients' messages get to the right voter at the right time.

January 30, 2017 / Press Releases

DSPolitical Running Obamacare Digital Ads That Trump Canceled

November 4, 2016 / Press Releases

Down-Ballot Candidates Going Digital to Reach Voters in Closing Days of 2016 Election

With just days to go before the November 8th election, local and downballot candidates are increasingly turning to voter targeted digital ads to reach voters with final persuasion and get out the vote messages.

September 15, 2016 / Press Releases

Voter Targeted Digital Ads Now at Fingertips of Thousands of Democratic Campaigns

NGP VAN and DSPolitical announce a new partnership that will make the award winning, self-serve voter targeted digital advertising platform available on the VAN.